Education in Nandurbar

Nandurbar District has 1354 primary schools with 4497 teachers teaching 1,59,502 students; that comes to 36 students per teacher.
Around 257 secondary schools with 2765 teachers teaching 1,31,554 students, and no of students per teacher comes to 48.
Total colleges for higher studies, including medical and engineering, is 30, and more than 8580 students enroll each year.
Nandurbar District also has 6 Government ITI (Industrial Training Institutes) and 2 private ITI having 1444 students in total.
3 VJNT Pri. School [Mhasawad, Akrale & Nandrakhe] 2 high schools, 1 junior college
1 SC Residential School Shahada.

Nandurbar District has many colleges and institutes. Engineering, Pharmacy, Medical College, D. Ed., B.Ed. College, Industrial Training Institutes (ITI), Military School, Polytechnic college and Degree as well as Diploma Institutes. Nandurbar, Akkalkuwa and Shahada these cities has many colleges in District.
Among Them Some colleges' websites are as below:-\
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