
In 2006 the Ministry of Panchayati Raj named Nandurbar one of the country's 250 most backward districts (out of a total of 640).[8] It is one of the twelve districts in Maharashtra currently receiving funds from the Backward Regions Grant Fund Programme (BRGF)

Total Registered Factories: 346
Total Registered & running Factories: 346
Cooperative Sugar Factories: 3
Total Spinning Mills: 2
Total Cooperative Societies 1400
Primary Agricultural Credit Societies Total: 159
Members: 47448
Cooperative Milk Societies: 392

Main Crops Jawar, Wheat, Rice, Toor, Groundnuts, Chilly
Annual Crops Sugarcane, Cotton
Area Under Cultivation :2,53,413 Ha
Crop Pattern Kharif (approx. 800 villages), Rabi (approx. 130 villages) Fruits :Mango, Sitaphal, Banana, Papaya, etc.
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